Friday, November 27, 2009

support for Kenya!!

As of today I still need $2,190! we have already almost made a $1000 headway! its awesome! Pray that all the money necessary would be provided in order to make this trip a success for the team and for the hearts of children to be changed while we are there. I cannot wait to see what God does in my life while I am there and I also cannot wait to see what he does in the hearts of my other team mates!

Keep those prayers happening and all will be great! God does amazing things through prayer!

I love all of you!

Caption: The shirt that I am wearing in this picture is the shirt from the 2007 Youth AIDS Summit in which I attended which thouroughly changed my life which I mentioned in my support letter!

Please feel free to comment on these posts even if you do not blog! I would love to hear from the people who are following me on my journey of life. Please please please write a little something in the comment box! you all are amazing!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

homecoming '09 Trabucoo!!

Approximately one week ago minus a few hours.. because the adventure didnt commence until about 4 hours from now, one week ago.. i attended homecoming at Trabuco Hills High School. It was probably one of the most fun dances I have ever been too. The people that were there were amazing, the DJ was what I would call "solid", my date, heather leith, was soo much fun and the places that I found to dance on campus were pure genius.

Lets start from the beginning of the day!

We all gathered at Altisma Park across from the Mormon church in RSM, and we all gathered for the infamous pre-dance session of parents with their ghetto cameras, including iphones, cell phones, point and shoots, then there were about two people with their legit cameras. These two people were my mother and Shannon Leith, Heathers sister. I'll let you judge her amazing photography by the pictures shown below this!

Here is the group!

Pictures included the "throwing of the autumn leaves" picture, the "look like a prairie dog" and also the "plagiarize your shoulder" picture. All turned out to be some quality poses. After most of the group left for Heathers house for food, Logan, Rachel, Grant, Jessie, Heather, and I stayed back and we got to take some awesome pictures in front of Logans bus! While taking these awesome pictures, we were all remenissing of the glorious movie that is Little Miss Sunshine. Oh! did I mention that this was our ride to the dance. Yup. uh huh. riding with some class.

oh and you want to see my awesome date again. yeah?

well here she is!

Please notice the amazing home-made boutenire and corsage that we made for each other for a totally of zero dollars. Im pretty sure ill be keeping that picture of her for a long long time. It is absolutely hilarious!

After an amazing dinner prepared by Rubios, the group all played some intense catch phrase and to wrap up the pre-homecoming festivities, we watched a little gem of a movie of Heather, Joanna, Melissa, and Danya in their third grade highlight video. It was seriously the funniest thing I have ever seen. Heather wore overalls and chokers. enough said. Joanna. well her singing at Christmas time with everyone else playing a key on the xylophone was just precious. Danya just loved to eat, proven by the thanksgiving feast. and Melissa. well that girl just knew where the camera was every single time it was around. It was just great.

We then made our way to the dance. and it was just soo great.

Homecoming 09 THHS. No regrets. none at all!

Friday, November 13, 2009

support letter peeps!

Soo I just wrote my support letter for Kenya. I am getting uber... yes uber (i feel very tied to my German roots in saying that) excited! I but the address of my blog at the bottom of it so hopefully their partnership with the trip and with me will tie them into viewing my blog! I hope I get more than 2 followers through this. :)

Cant wait to see what God has in store for the HSM Kenya 2010 team this year! I will definitely keep you updated as things occur!