Thats all. :)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
A day in infamy...
This streak was broken on Monday.
My family went and saw Blindside. Holy moly. Let me just tell you. This film was amazing. I cannot put any words to it that can describe it better than that. It was a movie that touched me and touched the hearts of many people in the theater. You could just sense it. It brought to life poverty within our own country and its story of hope. I strongly recommend it to anyone and everyone. I shed large amounts of tears of joy multiple times throughout the film and it just hit the right place in my heart. It is a true story and those always hit home the most for me. This one is definitely worth your money.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Greatest day in December :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Oasis of Hope Fundraiser Night

Current programs include: a Drop-in Centre, Group Homes, Family Assistance, and Vocational Training.
A team of high school students will be traveling to Kitale in March of 2010 to work with the children at Oasis of Hope. This event hopes to raise funds for the supplies that are needed for this organization to continue to change the lives of these African children.
Please join us this holiday season! This is a FREE open house event so feel free to come and go as you please between 5 and 9pm on Sunday, December 20th, 2009. This event will be appropriate for ALL AGES (parents there is no need to find a babysitter- children are welcome)! Come enjoy friends, live music, and food all while getting some of your holiday shopping done!
We will be selling assorted hand-made gifts such as: aprons, headbands, jewelry, etc...
Contact me with any questions you might have! Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Update: Kenya!

We also had our first team meeting this past Sunday that was combined with the adult team that will be in Kitale at the same time as the High School Ministry team. They are all very nice people! They taught us some cool things about their past experiences in Kenya. The adults all come from a medical background of some sort and are focusing mainly on the hospitals and streets of Kitale in hopes of providing assistance to those in need of medical attention. The meeting overall was great! It was great to meet some of the people on our own team also that I had never met before. I can really already sense that God will do something great with our team.
Some things you can pray for:
-Pray for the members of the team who are struggling financially to raise support to get them to Kenya. Pray God will open their hearts and give them hope that God will provide if it is meant for them to go on this trip.
-Pray I will raise enough money by the deadline to get me to Kitale.
-Pray for the students that are not going on this trip, that really wanted to go with our team. Pray that they will continue to be on fire to serve globally and pray for their understanding that this may just not be the time for them.
As a team we have already been thrown some curve balls but we have been turning them into base hits. No home-runs yet, but we are satisfied with the simplest of success. We are all pumped to get out and go! Just as we learned in October, we are on fire with loving God AND loving others. Pray, that this flame will burn constantly and that we will remember why we are participating in such a experience.
Caption to picture: This is a picture my dear friend Nicole Leever took while she was in Rwanda a year and a half ago. I was privileged enough to receive a large copy from her and it is hanging in my bed room always reminding me of this trip. Always making me think about the fact that this trip isn't to better myself, but to brighten the lives of others and love on children like this little boy.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
"The" Support Letter.
Within the last few years, God has been moving in me and shining his light through me in many ways. I have been given a multitude of opportunities through the High School Ministry at
The HSM (High School Ministry) Kenya 2010 team, while in
- Evangelize in schools, hospitals, drop-in centers, group homes, city streets, churches and prisons.
- Create and run a 3 day summer camp for Oasis of Hope street kids.
- Participate with mobile clinics, training, evangelism, service, worship and outreach.
- Minister in different capacities to students, orphans, street kids, pastors, church leaders, and the sick.
As you can very well see, this trip will definitely challenge me in ways that I have never been challenged before and will also open my eyes even wider to the image of poverty first hand. I am so stoked to see how God will use me on this trip and how he will use our team to impact the people of Kitale.
/// Here is how you can be a part of this opportunity \\\
Prayer/// I would greatly appreciate your prayer support. Many of us know that prayer is the only way that this trip would ever be possible; completely turning everything over to God and letting Him transform my heart as He pleases. Some aspects of the trip you can pray for are:
//Safe travels. –to and from
//For the summer camp –that kids lives would be changed by God.
//For the hearts of the team to be in the right place.
//For great conversations to be made within Kitale and also within the team.
//Strength in the midst of exhaustion/Health while in
Financial/// If you feel led, I would love your support financially. I need to raise $3000 by December 15th to make this trip happen. It seems so soon, but this deadline is only placed in order to be able to purchase plane tickets at the best rate. Donations can also be retrieved after this deadline and would also be greatly appreciated. This donation is tax deductible. Checks can be made payable to
Thank you very much for being who you are in my life…
I will keep you posted with continual information on the trip.
View my blog at for updates regarding my ongoing
journey through life in addition to keeping you up to date
on how the preparations for
Thank you so much! Lots of love!!
Cory Tomlinson
“Then these righteous ones will reply,
‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you?
Or thirsty and give you something to drink?
Or a stranger and show you hospitality?
Or naked and give you clothing?
When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?”
“And the King will say,
‘I tell you the truth,
when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to me!”
Matthew 25: 37-40
Friday, November 27, 2009
support for Kenya!!

Please feel free to comment on these posts even if you do not blog! I would love to hear from the people who are following me on my journey of life. Please please please write a little something in the comment box! you all are amazing!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
homecoming '09 Trabucoo!!

Pictures included the "throwing of the autumn leaves" picture, the "look like a prairie dog" and also the "plagiarize your shoulder" picture. All turned out to be some quality poses. After most of the group left for Heathers house for food, Logan, Rachel, Grant, Jessie, Heather, and I stayed back and we got to take some awesome pictures in front of Logans bus! While taking these awesome pictures, we were all remenissing of the glorious movie that is Little Miss Sunshine. Oh! did I mention that this was our ride to the dance. Yup. uh huh. riding with some class.

oh and you want to see my awesome date again. yeah?
well here she is!
Please notice the amazing home-made boutenire and corsage that we made for each other for a totally of zero dollars. Im pretty sure ill be keeping that picture of her for a long long time. It is absolutely hilarious!
After an amazing dinner prepared by Rubios, the group all played some intense catch phrase and to wrap up the pre-homecoming festivities, we watched a little gem of a movie of Heather, Joanna, Melissa, and Danya in their third grade highlight video. It was seriously the funniest thing I have ever seen. Heather wore overalls and chokers. enough said. Joanna. well her singing at Christmas time with everyone else playing a key on the xylophone was just precious. Danya just loved to eat, proven by the thanksgiving feast. and Melissa. well that girl just knew where the camera was every single time it was around. It was just great.
We then made our way to the dance. and it was just soo great.
Homecoming 09 THHS. No regrets. none at all!
Friday, November 13, 2009
support letter peeps!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Jessica & Kyle were here.
Jessica: Hey Kyle, what's up?
Kyle: my name is klyed. but hi.
Jessica: that's cool let's take some time to talk about our good friend Cory..
Klyed: Cory starts with a C. so does cars. i like cars.
Jessica: hm. that's cool. cool starts with a c too, so Cory is cool.
Klyed: carcass also starts with c. if i killed cory, he would be a carcass...
Jessica: well that's completely normal. i'm going to name some things i like about Cory. his glasses that aren't real, his ringback tone, his love for Wendy's. and lots of other stuff.
Klyed: the computer says fraud monitoring is on. FAIL. i dont even like this kid.
Jessica: cool beans. well currently Cory is singing Shania Twain to me and it's beautiful. I'm really happy about that. and well Klyed that was rude. i bet he doesn't like you either..
Klyed: i have 17 friends. and you are not one jessica.
Jessica: well i have a million friends and you're mean.
Klyed: Cory, i love you. Jessica... well.... sorry. im taken. by lawrence.
Jessica: cool. alright. well that's weird. but i love Cory a lot too. and that's why i want to say that he's great! yay!
Well that's all from Jessica and Klyed. Hope you didn't hate this.
yeah. Kyle is stupid. (: that's the point of this post.
oh and that Cory is amazing!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
super duper.